Recharge and Fuel Up for Your Mental Health

Our family of four is currently on a little road trip getaway to a beautiful spot that I used to come when I was growing up. While we are staying in a different location, being here does remind me of my childhood spending time with my mom, brother and grandparents (Noni and Papoo).
I coined the name of our little family trip as our “mental health break vacay”. The last 14 months has been filled with questions, heartaches, pivots, quarantines, changes, wonders, anxiety, happiness, stress, joy, tears & laughter - the list goes on and on (and on). We needed a little time inside four different walls and a new setting. Wow! Did we pick a beautiful spot to enjoy together! We are surrounded by green luscious mountains, a gorgeous, placid lake, sunshine and blue skies. This little slice of heaven is giving us all some rest, peace, and rejuvenation. Spring fever hit our household pretty hard and this is just what the doctor (errr, momma) ordered.
We should all have a special place that brings us comfort and peace. Whether it be our bedroom, garden, porch, couch, a piano bench, or a getaway - whatever it may be, find your spot to rejuvenate and take your “mental health break vacay”.
Take time to rest, journal, think, or not think at all. Whatever it may be, get in some well-deserved, much needed, self-care and recharge, because we all know life will certainly pick back up and we will need the gas to keep us going strong (I am currently listening to ‘About an Hour Ago’ by OAR, that's where I picked up the 'gas' reference).
As we take care of ourselves in these (small) moments, we will be better parents, partners, and friends. Attention parents and caretakers! Our kids are watching and listening - let’s model self-care and be our best for our littles and bigs. The more we care for ourselves, the better we care for our people.
I hope you can get in your “mental health break vacay” today (and tomorrow).
With gratitude,
P.S. If this resonates with you, please consider sharing it with someone who may benefit.