FeelLinks Blog

The Power of Hands-On Learning

The Power of Hands-On Learning

Hands-on learning is a powerful tool that engages children in active learning. Here are reasons why it’s essential at home, in the classroom, and beyond, helping diverse children engage, participate,...

The Power of Hands-On Learning

Hands-on learning is a powerful tool that engages children in active learning. Here are reasons why it’s essential at home, in the classroom, and beyond, helping diverse children engage, participate,...

Bucket of sports balls and FeelLinks dolls

A Bucket Full of Emotions: How Emotional Intel...

Sports, (and other activities), bring on numerous emotions for our children. Parents, we need to be there to 'coach' them through these feelings. Supporting our children's growth in emotional intelligence will help them to...

A Bucket Full of Emotions: How Emotional Intel...

Sports, (and other activities), bring on numerous emotions for our children. Parents, we need to be there to 'coach' them through these feelings. Supporting our children's growth in emotional intelligence will help them to...